Saturday, 12 March 2011


Gender is an important factor that affects the possibility of an individual becoming infested with HIV.

Women are more vulnerable to sexual infection with HIV for the following reasons:
Biological factor:-
In unprotected heterosexual intercourse, women are twice as likely as men to acquire HIV from infected partner.

      -     The large surface of the virgina wall exposed during intercourse increases the likelihood of transmission of the virus

      -     Very small lessons that occur during intercourse are believed to be entry points for the virus.
      -     Young Women/girls are more at risk because they have not reached maturity; the lining of the virginal is fragile and more likely to be bruised during intercourse.
      -     More quantities of the virus are present in the sperm than in Virgina fluids.

Socio- economic factors
-          Less access to education and economic opportunity results in women being more dependent on men in their relationships they cannot always control when, with whom and in what circumstance they have sex.
-          In many societies women lack knowledge and access to information about HIV/AIDS
-          Many women who have no means of support exchange sex for Material favors and Survival.

Social- cultural factors
-          Some societies do not expect women and girls to make discussions about sex or even to discuss sexually. They are therefore unable to request or insist that their partner use condom.
-          If women request condom use, men often suspects infertility and so women often risk been abused sexually
-          In societies were violence against women is permitted they can be forced to have sex with their regular partners. Women are also expected to get married to men who are much older than them and more sexually experienced than them and more likely to be infected. Men are however seeking younger partners in order to avoid infection and In some areas  men belief that sex with virgins curse Aids and other diseases
-          In many societies men are permitted to have multiple sexual partners and take risk like patronizing commercial sex workers.


In some societies same sex relationships are not accepted and this leads to stigmatization of men who have sex with men, making them more likely to hide their sexual behavior and less likely access HIV services. These Issues also need to be addressed


The transmission of the HIV/AIDS monster virus to the female folks can be greatly reduced through the following means
-          Passing  and enforcing laws that prevents female discrimination
-          Improving access of girls to education
-          Empowering Women economically
-          Increasing representatives of women in politics
-          Involving men in the processes to eliminate gender discrimination

The HIV is mainly through exchange of body fluids like blood, semen and virginal secretions, HIV cannot be transmitted by mere contact and social interactions with a person who is infected. There are lots of myths and misconceptions about modes of transmission but we need to know about them to be able to dispel them.

For any question you may want to ask please feel free to contact us :
Mobile no: +2347035195471

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