Wednesday, 29 June 2011

latest update about the malaria insect

 A new study by a team of University of Notre Dame researchers offers a wealth of information about the rhythmic nature of gene expression in Anopheles gambiae, the mosquito species that transmits the malaria parasite from person to person. Each year, roughly 250 million people suffer from malaria and that results in one million deaths, mostly pregnant women and children under five years of age.
Mosquitoes, like all animals, show daily rhythms in behavior and physiology. The rhythmic behaviors of Anopheles gambiae include dusk mating swarms, nocturnal flight activity and feeding on sugar and blood-meal hosts and egg-laying. The exclusive biting of humans at night by Anopheles gambiae provides the basis of protection by insecticide treated bed nets (ITNs) used while people are sleeping. This contrasts with the dengue/yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypi, which bites during the day and to which ITNs afford no protection.
Giles Duffield, Samuel Rund, Tim Hou, Sarah Ward and Frank Collins of the Department of Biological Sciences and Eck Institute for Global Health at Notre Dame are the authors of a paper describing the new findings, which appears in this week's edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The Notre Dame researchers, led by principal investigator Duffield, undertook a gene expression analysis of adult female Anopheles gambiae, which were sampled every four hours over a 48-hour period under both environmental light-dark cycles and under constant dark conditions. The researchers used DNA microarray gene chips to look for time-of-day specific changes in gene expression. This is the first global gene expression analysis of Anopheles gambiae rhythms, allowing exploration of the extent of its biochemistry, physiology and behavior that is under diel and circadian clock control. "Diel" refers to a regulation controlled by the daily alternating light-dark cycle, and "circadian" to daily 24-hour rhythmic cycles regulated by an organism's internal molecular clock.
A total of 2,095 genes were discovered to be rhythmic in either the mosquito head or body and under diel and/or circadian control, which amounts to nearly 16 percent of the Anopheles gambiae geneome. In many cases, genes were rhythmically expressed specifically in either the head or the body, and covered a wide range of biological processes, such as metabolism, detoxification, immunity, vision and olfaction, and they can serve as the basis of novel malarial control strategies and optimization of existing approaches.
For example, the data highlight the likelihood for Anopheles gambiae to exhibit rhythms in sensitivity to chemical insecticides, such as pyrethroids and DDT, which is an important finding for maximizing exposure of the mosquito to insecticides in relation to the time of day when they may be most susceptible.
Additionally, the data on rhythms of the mosquito's immune system highlights the possibility that the malaria parasite (Plasmodium) may not only be responding to the temporal availability of biting Anopheles gambiae, but also to daily rhythms in the innate immunity of the mosquito and its susceptibility to infection. Rhythms in immune functions may also be an important consideration for the implementation of biological pesticide control measures.
Rhythms of genes associated with the sensory modalities vision and olfaction (smell) are an especially interesting discovery. This includes a high proportion of the components of the light transduction cascade of the compound eye, as well as genes encoding odorant binding proteins and the olfactory coreceptor, OR7 (orco), potentially important in regulating sensitivity of the mosquitoes' smell organs. These rhythms, in turn, may contribute to the time-of-day specific host-seeking behavior of Anopheles mosquitoes, and raises the possibility that mosquitoes may not bite humans during the daylight hours simply because they do not detect their presence during this time.source:

New virus for mosquitoes discoverd

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Malaria Research Institute have identified a previously unknown virus that is infectious to Anopheles gambiae—the mosquito primarily responsible for transmitting malaria.
According to the researchers, the discovered virus could one day be used to pass on new genetic information to An. gambiae mosquitoes as part of a strategy to control malaria, which kills over one million people worldwide each year.
The virus, AgDNV, is a densonucleosis virus or "densovirus," which are common to mosquitoes and other insects, but do not infect vertebrate animals such as humans. Although the virus does not appear to harm the mosquitoes, the researchers determined it is highly infectious to mosquito larvae and is easily passed on to the adults.
According to Jason Rasgon, PhD, senior author of the study, the discovery came about serendipitously while the research team was conducting experiments to determine whether Wolbachia bacteria could be used to infect An. gambiae mosquito cells. During the analysis, Xiaoxia Ren, a postdoctoral fellow with Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, noticed an "artifact," that appeared as a prominent band in the gel used to detect the bacteria.
"Finding artifacts such as this one during experiments is not uncommon, but we decided to investigate this one further since we kept observing it over and over. When we sequenced it we were surprised to learn that we had found a new virus," explained Rasgon, an assistant professor with the Bloomberg School's W. Harry Feinstone Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology.
According to Rasgon, the virus could be potentially altered to kill the mosquito or make An. gambiae incapable of transmitting malaria. To test the concept, the research team successfully used altered AgDNV to express harmless green fluorescent protein in the adult mosquitoes which could be easily spotted under the microscope.
"In theory, we could use this virus to produce a lethal toxin in the mosquito or instruct the mosquito to die after 10 days, which is before it can transmit the malaria parasite to humans. However, these concepts are many years away," said Rasgon