In 1972, in the publication ‘What is beautiful is good’, the psychologist Karen Dion explains that there is a possible link between a person’s character and their physical appearance. One of the examples given in this publication is, “A person who is calm and relaxed could develop fewer fine lines and wrinkles than a person who is tense and irritable.” This is where the saying ‘beauty comes from the inside’ really rings true!
Beauty: A new form of discrimination?
Preliminary studies have already shown that qualities attributed to physically attractive people were primarily: intelligence, talent and natural leadership. This is why it is often easier for attractive people to get a job or bank loan. So are we all fooled by outer beauty? Not necessarily.
While the ‘beautiful’ people have an advantage at first sight, their mistakes are judged more harshly than others’. So, can we really talk of ‘advantages’ here?
A more recent study concluded that the confidence bestowed upon physical attractiveness allows these people to feel like confident individuals, as they are aware of the particular attention shown to them by others. It’s a self-perpetuating circle. The physical attractiveness of a person can facilitate introductions, but it is the way people look at someone who is physically attractive that gives that individual that extra boost of self-confidence.
So it seems that confidence doesn’t really have a particular face: it’s the relationship and attention between individuals which allows a person to be radiantly self-confident.
So, what if beauty really does come more from feelings of inner confidence rather that outer physical traits?
Your beauty, self-confidence and success
“She is absolutely glowing!” Almost every one of us has made a comment like this at least once when speaking about a friend, a colleague or a family member. And when speaking about the person in question's glow, we notice that she is quite simply happy, open and confident in herself. How?
The person doesn’t necessarily conform to the standard beauty measurements of the latest movie star pin-up or top model; it is more likely that a contented life and small everyday pleasures are enough to achieve this radiance and beauty. Who doesn't know about the powerful beauty of a woman in love?
So to channel your own inner beauty and self-confidence, go back to the basics: sport, fun, balanced meal, rest, a happy home life… But above all, just love yourself as you are and stop comparing yourself to others! Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder (not your mirror), so learn how to work it from the inside out.
Always remember that everyone is different and having confidence in yourself is what makes you really beautiful... and if you believe the studies, you'll also increase you chances of success…
"Trust Is Only Skin Deep", Science Magazine, October 2009
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